Morning Worship Series

The Third Race Reality: The Contrasted reality of a true Christian life versus the sensual or traditional-religious lifestyles

In the next section of Ephesians 4, Paul continues his focus on individual Christian responsibility. He does this by contrasting the lifestyle of a Christian with two unsaved lifestyles - the Gentiles and the Jews. As dispossessed citizens of Heaven, we will no longer live in our old lifestyle. The worthy walk of Christians in our culture will be radically obvious and distinct.


Personal maturity is the substance of unity in the local church.

The 1999 U.S. women’s soccer team changed the face of women’s sports worldwide because they were well-trained and passionate about working toward their goal as a team. If we are functioning well as a church, we also will influence the world – for Christ.

In these verses, Paul’s focus changes to individual responsibility within the body. Each member is specifically gifted by God, and each part works together toward a glorious goal. God designed the team and empowers it to have divine influence.


Theme: Personal maturity is the substance of unity in the local church.

Paul’s plea for unity in verse 3 is based on 7 doctrinal truths which form the Profound Source of our Worthy Walk. Doctrine is the foundation of righteous living, and spiritual oneness is the foundation of an effective church family. We must be in agreement on doctrine of Christ, then agree on the character and conduct our worthy walk. Understanding and pursuing spiritual maturity maintains our unity.


Theme: Personal maturity is the substance of unity in the local church.

As the glorious church of a glorious Savior, we have a glorious opportunity to live His character in our culture. When unbelievers observe our interaction, they should be amazed at the love we display (John 13:35). Maturing saints will be able to maintain the unity produced by the Spirit in a way that pleases the Lord.


Theme: Christ has made the church spiritually one; joyfully, let it be one!

This passage is important to understand because it forms the foundation for the rest of the book. The focus comes in verse three: “being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” We will find that a truly unified church requires spiritual growth and maturity.


Speaker: Pastor Kent Hobi


Speaker: Pastor Kent Hobi


Theme: The enjoyment of unseen spiritual realities prepares our hearts for unified daily living in God’s glorious church.

This week, we finish up the doctrinal teaching portion of Ephesians. Paul’s main point can be summarized in 1 sentence: God desires to take every soul on the globe, from various cultures and backgrounds, and blend them into one family in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

This pinnacle passage takes the form of a prayer, preparing us for the practical instructions to come in chapters 4-6. Last week we discussed God’s Enablement and Indwelling. Remember that these four aspects flow into one another as a natural Spirit-given progression. If we’re governed by the Spirit, Christ will feel at home in our hearts. As Christ is at home in our hearts, we will know the infinite measure of love God has given to us in His Son Jesus Christ. As we know that love, we will know increasing maturity over time.


Theme: The enjoyment of unseen spiritual realities prepares our hearts for unified daily living in God’s glorious church.

The last part of Ephesians 3 is what Peter O’Brien calls “the highest peak in the book,” from which we gaze back on all Christ has given to us and forward to all He asks us to do. This passage is a prayer that actually began in verse 1 with the phrase “For this reason.” Paul’s mind drifted to the spiritual resources we have been given, but now he returns to prayer.


Speaker: Pastor Kent Hobi


Organizing Life by God's Principles

Pastor Tim Potter leads an in-depth study of Paul's first epistle to Timothy.

Pastor Tim Potter leads us through an in-depth look at the first book of the Bible.

Paul's epistle to the church in Ephesus.