By Topic

  • 2 Corinthians 7:8-10

    How Grace Operates in Christian Relationships.

    The occasion for Paul’s writing this and other letters to the Corinthians was to address a sin issue. His secondary purpose was to restore their relationships. All this was for the ultimate purpose of enabling Gospel progress to continue. There is no Gospel progress unless Christians are right with the Lord and each other in the local church.

  • 2 Corinthians 7:2-7

    God’s Grace Maintains Human Relationships in the Local Church.

    Healthy relationships are vital for the progress of the Gospel. Christian relationships in the church are founded and grown by grace. 2 Corinthians 7 is a practical chapter about how we get along in the church. We don’t get along without the supernatural work of grace – a personal relationship with Christ and growing in Christ-likeness.

  • 2 Corinthians 6:11-7:1

    Paul’s Defense of the Church Requires a Plea for Its Continued Purity in the Content of the Gospel and Its Progress.

  • Easter Morning Worship

    Happy Resurrection Day!

  • Palm Sunday Passion Service

    On Sunday evening, we commemorated our Savior's death through song, Scripture reading, and observing the Lord's Table.

  • 2 Corinthians 6:1-10

    Seeing Grace Grow and Change People Is the Measure of Ministry that Has Integrity.

    Too many pastors have been measured by worldly standards of success in this past year in the midst of all the distractions life and culture have brought our way. The real measure of successful ministry is what the all-powerful grace of God is doing in people's lives. Only Jesus Christ can transform a life so completely.

  • Psalm 53

    Man’s Depravity and God’s Salvation.

    Imagine a doctor who discovers a long-time patient has cancer. She knows the news would make her patient very upset, so she only tells him to keep eating healthy and exercising, and he should be fine. The patient feels relieved when he leaves the office, but how has the doctor served her patient?

    There is a difference between hearing what we want to hear and hearing the truth that we need to hear. Psalm 53 is one place the Bible tells us the difficult truth we need to hear.

  • Psalm 62

    Continue to Trusting God When Oppressed.

    When culture moves away from God’s truth, calling right wrong and wrong right, what happens to the Christian caught in that gap? Our Psalm today tells us that Christians must continue to trust in the sovereignty and goodness of God. Since our God is sovereign and good, all who trust in Him will be rewarded.

  • Psalm 77

    The Christian Prayer of Lament.

    Did you know that one-third of the Psalms are laments? These honest struggles with difficult circumstances were sung by the congregation of Israel in corporate worship. We don't often pray like that today, especially in a corporate setting. What can we learn from these prayers that were inspired and preserved for us in God's Word?

  • Luke 14:25-17:10

    Parables of Discipleship

  • 1 Corinthians 11:17-35

    Jesus' Gold Standard of Love

    1 Corinthians is a letter to a church that found itself in the most influential and cosmopolitan city of its day. Yet this was a troubled church. The church received the gospel, but it was not governed by it. In many practical ways, the church was governed by culturally-derived mottos rather than mature reflection on the gospel and its implications for life.

  • 2 Corinthians 5:19-21

    Healthy Churches Encouraged by Eternal Promises Are Lighthouses for Gospel Mission.

    This will be true until Christ comes. This purpose is reflected in our church's mission statement: "Grace Church of Mentor exists to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and equipping the saints with the goal of Christ-likeness." Every Bible-believing church has been given this Gospel mission. Our Savior intends us to live His life, and His disciples demonstrated this. Both men and women tremendously affected Gospel progress in their areas in the New Testament.

  • 2 Corinthians 5:14-18

    Living a New Life in Christ.

    The healing process takes time. The Corinthian church was healing, and Paul urges them to return to their mission. The overall focus in this chapter is pleasing God and living for redemptive purposes.

  • 2 Corinthians 5:11-13

    What It Means to Please God.

    2 Corinthians 5:11-13

    The aspiration of the believer is to please God, whether here on earth or in His presence in Heaven. The Spirit compels us to become more like the Son every day.

  • 2 Corinthians 5:1-10

    Explanation & Application of Coming Glorious Realities.

    Paul had unescapable recurring threats to his physical life. How did he not become distracted? 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 gives an explanation and application of why he so looked forward to coming glory. There are several glorious realities that await us.

  • Luke 13:1-17

    Why do bad things happen to good people? We know there are no truly good people, but we still wrestle when it seems justice is not being served. We want God to honor people who obey. Jesus addresses this idea of "retribution theology" in today's passage, Luke 13:1-17.

  • 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

    Focusing on Spiritual Realities to Find Spiritual Renewal and Productivity.

    The world's allurements and performance-based external religion distract us from Gospel productivity. Paul instructs the Corinthians to enjoy working together in Gospel living and focus on their confident hope so they will avoid distraction, find renewal, and keep being spiritually productive.

  • Selected Verses in 1 Peter

    Growing Pains Are Divinely Appointed for Our Growth.

    No one enjoys growing pains, but most would rather have pain than not be growing. The Bible repeatedly tells us that painful times are divinely appointed for our growth. As we go through these times, God’s grace is an unlimited available resource we can utilize in every natural rhythm of life. God’s grace saves us and continues to compel us to grow in our Christian walk.

  • Luke 12:1-12

    The Requirements and Assurances of Being Christ’s Disciple.

    Luke presents Jesus as the Son of Man, rejected by Israel, offered to the Gentiles. In this presentation, Jesus is seen as a universal Savior. The second book written by Luke, Acts is about the ministry of Jesus’ disciples after Jesus rose from the dead and went back to Heaven. In Acts we see the Gospel of Jesus spread from Jerusalem in Israel all the way to the ends of the known world.

  • 2 Corinthians 5:17

    God wants us as a church to live life in transformative newness.

    If anyone owns the word "new," the church does. Those who have been transformed by the Gospel and have been given a new nature know the true meaning of the word. In a new year when much is uncertain, we know the Lord is still on the throne, and we are qualified and equipped for whatever may come our way.